Tuesday 24 November 2015

Layer vs Onion Architecture

Hello from Germany!

At the moment I am reading the ENTWICKLER SPEZIAL(https://entwickler.de/special-issue/entwickler-magazin-spezial-vol-6-135583.html) and I found the article about the Onion Architecture very interesting.

In this article there is also an example implementation for two described architectures, which are Layer Architecture and Onion Architecture with the focus on the Domain Driven Design. There is also an explanation when and why you should use the onion architecture.

Jeffrey Palermo already wrote an article about this architecture on his blog http://jeffreypalermo.com/blog/the-onion-architecture-part-1/ and shows the core principles. 

For someone who wants to know how the implementation looks like in Java, can visit my GitHub to take a look for the differences between Layer and Onion Architecture based on the examples of Daniel Marbach which are implemented in C#.


Greets from Germany!

Hello World

Hello World,

public class HelloWorld {     
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello World!");

Why i started this blog?

  1. To improve my english skills
  2. To share my knowledge in java with you
  3. To learn to blog

Who am I?

I'm a 29 year old IT Consultant working for a german consulting company. In 2013 i finished my B.Sc. in Software Engineering.

For now im working for a customer with following frameworks and tools: Spring, Apache Camel, Cloud Foundry and Liferay. My skills also covers JEE and many general frameworks and tools in Java like JSF, JSP, Tomcat and many more.

This is just an example excerpt: